Meet the First Fashion Designer to Adopt Provenance’s Blockchain Service

Photo courtesy of Martina Spetlova

Photo courtesy of Martina Spetlova

By Olivia Pinnock  

London-based, Czech designer Martina Spetlova has become the first clothing label to integrate Provenance's blockchain technology platform in her collection. Spetlova insists “it’s more about stories”, cutting through the technical jargon and focusing on the benefit to consumers.

Merian Venture’s-backed Provenance was set up by tech designer and engineer Jessi Baker in 2013 to build a trusted system to make supply chains more transparent. To date they’ve helped thousands of food brands gain the trust of consumers by allowing them to see where their purchase has come from. Now, since conducting a pilot case study with knitwear label Martine Jarlgaard, they are tackling fashion labels too.

The buzz in fashion around blockchain has largely circulated around problem solving. The possibilities of verifying designer goods and certifying sustainable supply chains is appealing to the industry but Spetlova’s reasons for being one of the first to adopt it seem far simpler than that. “At the moment it’s an exciting time for sustainability in fashion and there are lots of innovative things.

Marta Bulaich